Friday, September 9, 2011

Segundo Intento

Saludos comunidad de internet. Llevo mucho tiempo sin escribir en el blog, estoy haciendo muchas cosas en mi vida profesional y deje caer el blog. Pero ahora mas que nunca creo que es importante conitnuar la conversacion de "Que nos pasa?". Cada dia se ve y se oye de mas y violencia y crimen, no solo en Puerto Rico sino en todo el mundo. Es hora de que todos tomemos accion para mejorar nuestros ambientea y alrededores.

5 Ways to Improve your Quality of Life and Those Around You:

  1. Smile... at everybody! Every time you cross paths with a person, smile at them. They won't all smile back, but I guarantee that smile will brighten someone's day. It will also help keep you in a good mood.
  2. Start your day by thinking of things you are grateful for. We all have great things going for us that often get overlooked due to our daily problems. Start the day thinking of the things about your life you like, and the universe will bring you more of them.
  3. Assume everybody wants to be happy. Even the guy who cut you off on your way to work, or the "angry" bus driver on your commute. When you assume that we all share the goal of achieving happiness difficult situations, or difficult people, don't seem that bad.
  4. Get to know your neighbors. You don't need to become best friends, but knowing your neighbors names and faces helps bring about a sense of community that everyone benefits from.
  5. Don't Prejudge. "Don't be quick to judge, you may not know the hardships people don't speak of..." - Moment of Truth, Gangstarr. We've all had bad days, some people have more bad days than others. But if you consistently practice 1-4 on the list you'll find less and less people with "bad days" surrounding you.

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